Transition Support for Early Years

Welcome to Early Years at Ellen Tinkham School, and the start of a brand new adventure! We understand that starting school can be an anxious time for the whole family, as well as exciting, so please get in touch if you have any questions or worries. We are here to support the transition as best we can.

– The Early Years Team

Here’s a Who’s-Who video of staff in the Early Years Department:

A Video Tour of the Early Years Department:

Tap-Tap Box:

WOW Bags:

For hope you have enjoyed what you and your child have seen. To enjoy more of the work produced recently by the team, please feel free to browse the Early Years category of the Home Learning Portal to listen to some great stories and access some amazing work and videos that they’ve put together.

We look forward to seeing you all in September at Ellen Tinkham School.

– The Early Years Team