Transitions at School

At Ellen Tinkham, all transitions are personalised to individual students and their families or carers.

A transition is seen as any change from one situation to the next for a child, and our aim is for each transition to be well prepared for, and to ensure that the student and their voice is central to every transitional decision made.


Transition from Class to Class

In the Summer Term, our teaching staff meet at bespoke Transitions meetings and undertake indepth "handovers" for students who are moving from class to class.  Key documents are reviewed and shared, as well as information that only classroom staff who work closely with our students, will know.  These meetings ensure that the new Class Teacher and classroom staff know each student as well as possible.  We also try to ensure there is a "familiar face" amongst the classroom staff in each new class each September, to help your child settle into the new academic year.

Occasionally, there may be times when Ellen Tinkham School is no longer the right educational setting for a student. This may be because of a change in their needs or circumstances, and most often occurs when a child reaches the end of their Key Stage 2 Primary education.  Any moves to a new setting are only made in the student's best educational interest and staff will fully support the transition.

Transition from Ellen Tinkham School to Ellen Tinkham College

When students reach Year 6 at Ellen Tinkham School, preparations start for their transition to Year 7 and a physical move to the College.  In the Summer Term, Year 6's begin visiting the College for a series of taster sessions.  These begin with general visits and by the end of the summer, Year 6's join activities with Key Stage 3 students to really experience what College life is like.  Year 6 families are also offered visits to the College so that by September, everyone is familiar with the building and classes.