
Learn to Live Federation

Ellen Tinkham School is part of the Learn to Live Federation which also includes Bidwell Brook School located in Dartington, South Devon.

Bidwell Brook is a “good” school educating around 160 pupils aged between 3-19 years of age. All the students have special educational needs.

Nikki Burroughs is the Executive Head at both schools and is supported by experienced senior leaders who are based across the whole Federation. Pupils and staff from both schools work closely with each other and have forged strong links in both the classroom and in additional activities such as residential trips, sports events and rural skills work.

This successful Federation was formed in June 2014 and has a single Governing Body chaired by Steve Finnemore.

If you would like to find out more about Bidwell Brook School, click here.

Everyone will be the best they can be; Everyone has a voice; No-one is excluded.