On this page you can find a selection of forms to print out and fill in:
School Asthma Card
A useful document for Transport/holiday clubs etc.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
A ‘Bring Your Own Device‘ form should be completed for all pupils who bring their own devices (iPads, tablets, etc.) into Ellen Tinkham.
If you wish your child or young person to bring a device into school which does not have a SIM card installed, please complete the Agreement Form within the BYOD policy. If your young person is bringing a SIM enabled device into College, please also complete the Sixth Form Agreement. Both forms needs to be returned to our ICT Manager. If you require paper copies of the forms, please inform the admin staff. The forms can also be accessed from the Policies page.
Change of Circumstances
Moving house? Changed your name? You’ll want to fill in and send us this form listing any alterations to the details you have given us in the past.
Medical Consent Form
If you need to send any medicine into school with your child/young person that you need the staff or nurses to administer, you’ll need to fill in and send us back one of these forms, please.