Ellen Tinkham School is based over two sites – Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pupils (primary age) are taught on the Hollow Lane site, EX1 3RW. When pupils reach Key Stage 3 (secondary age), students move and continue their education at our College based at Wayside Crescent, EX1 3LF until they reach the age of 19 years.
Children are taught in inclusive classrooms where learning environments are adapted according to each class group. Incorporated into each class is a multi‐sensory space for focused sensory work. We aim for every child to be fully engaged with their learning.
Pupils are assessed annually by their class teacher and person-centred reviews of an individual’s EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) take place annually. Individual targets are then set as part of their Home:School Agreement. Parent/teacher meetings are held each term so that the child’s progress and supporting strategies can be discussed.
In lower school, targets are categorised into the 4 areas taken from the Code of Practice: Physical and Sensory, Cognition and Learning; Social and Emotional; and Communication. The curriculum includes core subjects of Maths, English and PSHE and individual subject leaders ensure their subjects are effectively and appropriately adapted as pupil progress through the school.
As students enter upper school, skills for life & living and work experience are also on offer in addition to the curriculum. Our commitment to a person‐centred approach to ensure students receive personalised learning and an individualised programme continues into Sixth Form, which follows the Preparing for Adulthood curriculum:
- Education and Employment
- Independent Living
- Community Inclusion, and
- Health
To read more about the individual key stages and departments, please follow the links below.
Early Years (Ladybirds and Dragonflies)
Key Stage One (Bees, Butterflies and Cloud classes)
Key Stage Two (Blue, Green, Lilac, Silver, Indigo, Purple, Pink, Orange, Red and Yellow classes)
Key Stage Three (Lower Seniors 1, Lower Seniors 2 and Lower Seniors 3 classes)
Key Stage Four (Seniors 1, Seniors 2, Seniors 3, Seniors 4 and Seniors 5 classes)
Sixth Form (Sixth Form 1, Sixth Form 2 and Sixth Form 3 classes)