
Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3 (KS3), students move to our Wayside Crescent site to begin their secondary education.  The KS3 curriculum builds on prior learning so that students reach their full potential.  They will make connections between what they are learning and key life skills such as cooking, shopping and problem-solving. Students make decisions and build their confidence by accessing a wide range of learning opportunities, which develops their independence.

All students continue to access core National Curriculum subjects of Maths, English and Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE). We deliver discrete sessions tailored to individual needs and interests. Learning opportunities are differentiated to meet the students’ needs to ensure they are motivated to be the best they can be. 

Foundation subjects such as History, Geography, Art, Music, Drama, ICT, Design and Technology, and Religious Education provide a context for learning. We teach these subjects in ‘topic’ based sessions. This approach enables students to make connections, using and applying the knowledge and skills they have developed in the core subjects.

Our PE Lead runs PE sessions once a week. Students learn skills in gymnastics, games and athletics. Students with physio needs use the hydrotherapy pool at Hollow Lane Site for weekly sessions.

PSHE and Citizenship sessions provide an opportunity for our learners to think about themselves and their future. Students think about any vocations that they may wish to pursue, looking ahead to KS4 where they can choose their options.

Everyone will be the best they can be; Everyone has a voice; No-one is excluded.