
PSHE incl Relationships & Sex Education

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) is a broad term for a core subject taught to all pupils across the Learn to Live Federation. The following is covered under the umbrella of PSHE:

P – Personal
S – Social
H – Health
E – Economic

RSE – Relationship Education (Lower School) Relationship and Sex Education (Upper School & Sixth Form)
C – Citizenship

We present pupils with a range of opportunities to support the teaching and learning of PSHE through ‘Skills’ and ‘Knowledge’ based content. The Skills based curriculum is where we focus on the personalised skills that will enrich pupils’ lives. Whereas the Knowledge based teaching focuses on government recommendations to all schools.

The PSHE Skills-based Curricular is divided into the following areas:

The PSHE Knowledge-based Framework is covered over three years and divided into the following Topics:
  • Autumn term – Self, Health and Wellbeing
  • Spring term – Living in the Wider World
  • Summer term – Relationship Education (including Sex in KS4 and Sixth Form)

We appreciate the content of the RSE curriculum needs to be age appropriate, and we regularly hold information sessions for families to attend across the school year.  This ensures everyone is aware of the topics being taught and covered in the year groups.

PSHE delivery compliments the Federation vision:
  • Everyone will be the best that they can be: delivery prepares them for keeping safe in the modern world.
  • Everyone has a voice: through advocacy sessions planned throughout the sequences.
  • No-one is excluded: planning is personalised for all pupils and based on what they say they want to learn as well as what they need to learn.

Everyone will be the best they can be; Everyone has a voice; No-one is excluded.