
PE and Physical Development

We believe that physical education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is vital and unique in its contribution to our students physical and emotional development and health.  The physical education curriculum aims to increase students self-confidence through an ability to manage themselves successfully in a variety of situations.

We want children to be independent learners’ .Creating their own self-motivated adventures which enable them to learn and/or generalise work skills. Outdoor education an integral part of physical education across the Key Stages. Learning outside the classroom children can learn different curriculum aspects in a fun, meaningful way. Evidence suggests that through outdoor and adventurous learning, young people will become more confident, develop their ability to engage and focus, be more resilient, improve their self-perception, and have a greater awareness and understanding of responsibility and consequence.

Outdoor learning can challenge the children exposing them to new and/or different environments. Allowing them to take risks and communicate freely. Learning outdoors meets different learning styles, enhances confidence and self-esteem. By taking learners out of their comfort zone we  challenge them in ways they have not been challenged before, give them strategies and skills that they can use at school and home, meet their sensory processing needs, and harness their individual abilities. As educators we are always thinking about what the children need to learn and where the best place for this to happen may be. Opportunities may include cycling, moor walking, kayaking, climbing and conservation work.

Aims of PE and Physical Activities across the Learn to Live Federation are:

  • To develop an ability to plan a range of movement sequences, organise equipment and apparatus, and begin to design and apply simple rules.
  • To develop an ability to remember, adapt and apply knowledge, practical skills and concepts in a variety of movement based activities.
  • To promote positive attitudes towards health, hygiene and fitness.
  • To develop psycho-motor skills through a range of relevant movement based activities.
  • To develop a sense of fair play and sportsmanship.
  • To develop communication skills, encouraging the use of correct terminology, to promote effective co-operation.
  • To foster an enjoyment, and positive attitude to, the subject in school.
  • To enable students where possible to work towards independence and to communicate positively towards others
  • To give our students the opportunities to develop and practice leadership skills.
  • To give our students the opportunity to try new activities, develop new skills and grow in confidence through an outdoor education programme.
  • To follow the Olympic and Paralympic legacy by continuing to follow the values and ethos throughout the school and maintaining a knowledge of our countries sportsmen and women, including major sporting events.
  • To give students plenty of opportunities to take part in competition both intra- and inter-school.

Everyone will be the best they can be; Everyone has a voice; No-one is excluded.